
Sunday, January 13, 2013
If anyone is having problems with the Cycling Ireland site and their licence application, phone or e mail me.You can still pay the whole licence at the clubrooms on Monday night and I will do the application for you.
Cycling Ireland have to approve all open/full competiton licences and this can take up to 72 hours.
 The steps are
1.Pay Ballymena Road Club £15 for seniors/£5 for juniors
2. log on to CI site using e mail and password. If you have no passsword then use last year's licence number and date of birth to create password
3. apply for 2013 licence and make sure all the drop down boxes are completed. select the option pay on line with card
4. await club secretary and Cycling Ireland approval , normally 72 hours
5.You will receive e mail when to pay on line when licence has been approved
6. keep a note of your payment reference number and new licence number
 any queries phone or e mail me
 Tel 07775790067
e mail