David McCall Foundation - Youth Day

Sunday, August 18, 2013
Hi Everyone,
                     As an essential part of our focus on youth cycling in Ulster we are holding a 'youth fun day' at the Maze site on Sat. September 28th. 
We are inviting all your 6-10's, U12's, U14's and U16's and their parents for a day of fun and games loosely based around cycling.
The site will be open from 9am until 4pm, activities will be from 10-12 and 1-3 and a lunch will be provided. 
You should be aware that there are no official changing facilities at the site although there will be portable toilets.
Foundation members and volunteers will oversee on and off road trail quests, skills and obstacle courses and team games.
This is a day for not only the kids to meet up and enjoy themselves in a traffic free environment but for their parents to meet again and get involved with their kids favourite sport.
There will be an entry fee for each child of £5 to contribute to the running of the event but adults are free as is the lunch for everyone, hot and cold refreshments will be available all day.
The Ulster Aviation Society aircraft hanger will be open to all as well, this is an amazing place full of aircraft from WW1 & WW2.
The society is run by volunteers and they normally ask for a donation, don't feel obliged to do so as the foundation will cover this.
It is vitally important we know the ages and numbers of children, parents or family members intending to come so please please ask interested members to contact me by email with those details as soon as possible.   
Children must be signed in on a disclaimer entry sheet by an adult and they (the adult) should be aware that we will take care of everyone as best we can but it is of course at their own risk too.
Would you please forward this on to your club members.