Sunday, January 12, 2014
There are a few software glitches with the new Azolve Cycling Ireland's site to renew your licences.
On the home page hit log in, then your user name( your e mail address) and hit the wee writing that says " for 1st time access click here to retrieve your password!"
 You should immediately get an e mail that allows to follow a link and set your password
If this hasn't worked please dont keep trying or re- register as we are ending up with 3 or 4 versions of the same person and I cant tell which is the real you!!!
I am unable to ammend e mails or reset passwords 
If you can't get your licence on line you can just come to the club on any Monday night in January or existing members can pay on Saturday or Sunday mornings( leave an envelope with your money and name with Rex)
Leisure Cyclists £44
Club Racing £73
Open Licence £127
These glitches will get fixed in time but CI are so busy at the minute that it is taking a long time to get replies from them
Any problems email
 or ring                          07775790067